Strong communication skills are a top priority for any leader
Great communicators bring solutions, drive change, and motivate and inspire others. Developing effective communication skills helps us to avoid conflict, find compromise, and results in better decision making. But communication is a two-way process... which means that, for any organization, there are opportunities to improve communications individually and collectively.
LEAD Academy offers courses fundamental to communication
You will find a breadth of courses that will help you to grow both internal and external communication skills. Training opportunities include live sessions for insightful discussions, as well as recorded sessions that you can watch on your own or as a group with your entire board.
Communication courses will benefit all leaders. Our "Essentials" trainings in this section are geared towards specific communication-focused PTA positions, while the remaining trainings and resources are developed with all PTA board members in mind!
"Essentials" in this section focus specifically on the PTA roles of:
Ready to explore these leadership topics, from chair Essentials to leadership Insights? Click below for more details on available trainings and resources.
New to a PTA role? Want to broaden your chair expertise? From basics to advanced, explore the building blocks for success!
Further develop your core leadership skills critical for long term success. For all board positions! Click here for available trainings.
Looking for a quick overview on a specific topic? Great for individual learning and for boards to do together! Click here for available snapshots.